Normally I attend an annual conference arranged by the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel. It is a organization that is part of the World Meteorological Organization whose purpose is to encourage the exchange of ideas amoungst the buoy operators around the world.
This years’ meeting is scheduled for Cape Town South Africa. Between the high cost of travel and other commitments, I’m unable to attend. There is, however a workshop on wage measurements from buoys being organized by the same group in New York City.
A few weeks ago, I was asked to make a short presentation on the technical aspects of the wave measurements made on Environment Canada’s Weather Buoy Network. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been putting together some slides that I hope will do the job.
It’s always stressful for me to stand up in front of a crowd and do this sort of thing. Truth is that there are very few people that could do it.
The Captain has just anounced the we will be starting our decent in 10 minutes.
This should be an interesting few days.
Well, it’s 0137. I guess I should get a few hours sleep.